Wednesday, April 26, 2006

nice rack

the choice is yours

I’ve already got my braggadozidoh on with my pop’s paintings showing up in the April issue of Domino Magazine…
But then my step-dad gets HIS recent show at SFMOMA Artists Gallery reviewed by Peter Selz in the April Issue of Art In America (‘positively’ I mosdefmust add)!

And while I’m at it, pick up Theme Magazine: History Issue for MY first by-line since On The Go Magazine, uh, up and went. It’s a profile of a Malaysian film-maker named Yasmin Ahmad. And, I have to admit, after this free-for-all bloggadozidoh it’s tough seeing an editor get they filthy paws on my silky je ne se quois. But hey it’s nothing I’m not cool with… at least they spelled my name right, right?

"Text Rio Valedor"?!?!?

Ree to the Dizzoh!